10 Habits to Ensure Healthy Living for the Elderly

by | Jul 18, 2019

Elderly age comes with a plethora of changes in your body, mind, routine, stamina, power, and enthusiasm. However, it is very important for everyone to accept old age because it brings a certain set of limitations for everyone. Only the people with positive frame of mind can cope up with the challenges it brings into your life. Here are 10 habits that may ensure healthy living for seniors and help them overcome the challenges.

1. Exercise Regularly

The advice to exercise is something you’ve heard as a child because this habit has nothing to do with age factor. It has great importance for everyone in all ages but its importance increases manifold as the age grows. According to HelpGuide, you have to keep yourself active and light in elderly age, but regular exercise is the key to keep your organs functioning properly for a longer period of time. Elderly age does not allow heavy exercises but you may stick to some basic light exercises on regular basis.

For some ideas, check out our blog post: Creating a Safe Exercise Routine for Seniors.

2. Stay Connected with Friends and Family

Friends and family are a medicine that’s necessary for everyone in all age brackets. But there is especially a need for overdose of friends and family medicine for seniors. You must stay connected with your family members and friends in elderly age. This gives you an opportunity to be socially active and avoid loneliness, which may prove fatal in some cases. You should regularly visit your friends and family and spend quality time with them.

3. Visit the Doctor Regularly

While visiting the doctor is never pleasant, it becomes necessary as you age. As advised by Bethesda Health, elderly should see the doctor at regular intervals as they are more prone to catch illness than any other persons. Regular checkups allow diagnosis of the health issues at initial stages so treatment can be started accordingly.

4. Forget Aging Myths

You are surrounded by many myths, and one of them is “I am old and can’t do anything.” Throw away this statement from your mind. There are certain physical limitations you may be facing in elderly age, but there’s no point of reminding yourself of it and being idle on the basis of this statement.

There is a lot what you could not do in your younger age. Just in case, you find it hard to get around do to those activities, there are many electrical vehicles, like mobility scooters, available for elderly people for mobility purpose. Plus, a professional caregiver can help you complete tasks and activities that may seem daunting alone. Don’t give up just because of your age.

5. Take Medication as Prescribed

You may not like taking medicines, but most seniors have a list of medications that they need to take to remain healthy. However, it can be difficult to keep these medications in order. It’s extremely important for your overall well-being that you take your medications in the correct dosage and at the right time. If you need help remembering to take them, medication reminders are a great tool!

6. Examine Physical Changes

You must pay heed even to smallest of changes in your body and see the doctor immediately when you feel something is not right. Some changes may occur due to natural process, but there may be symptoms of a disease you are not aware of. 

7. Eat a Balanced Diet

Entering elderly age means you can’t just eat away anything you want to. As you age, your food choices may become limited, and you have to carefully choose the diet which is well-balanced and suits your body. Junk foods and fried items cannot stay in your list anymore. You have to replace these items with low-fat, low-cholesterol and fiber-rich food items that may provide your body with same level of energy and without depositing fat within the body. Here’s a list of some senior-friendly foods.

8. Boost Mental Health

There may be an age of your body, but there is no age of your brain. The brain works till you die, but it will work only if you boost your mental health by doing small things that keep you active, engaged and happy. Going out, meeting friends, reading books and even studying a course of your interest will keep you mentally fit.

9. Sleep Well

As a senior, you have the time and liberty to take a nap at any time when you feel like to sleeping. Getting enough rest is vital for your health and helps you stay active physically and mentally. In fact, sleep is even linked with Alzheimer’s. 

To get better sleep, try evaluating your nighttime routine. Do things that help you relax before bed. Try taking substantial naps during the day. Or replacing your mattress or bedding for more comfortable sleep.

10. Avoid Alcohol & Smoking

Smoking and alcohol claim millions of lives worldwide every year. It is largely advised by the health experts to stay away from alcohol and smoking — even at a younger age — and this advice is emphasized as you get older. It’s better to remain safe and healthy than to overdo it and risk your own health or the health of others. 

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