Movie Night: Picking Movies Seniors Will Enjoy

by | Oct 2, 2018

Seniors loved getting lost in a good movie just as much as you do. They’re an enjoyable pastime. Hosting a movie night in your home or at a senior center is fun, cheap, and easy. While we all love a good movie, the senior in your life may not necessarily have the same taste in movies as you. Luckily here are some available resources to help you choose a movie everyone will love! 

Movie Reviews for Seniors

If you haven’t discovered AARP’s Movies for Grownups yet, you should take a look. They provide movie reviews, entertainment news, and other information to help you make a good movie decision. Rotten Tomatoes compiled a list including all of AARP’s Movies for Grownups reviews. Browse the site to see what seniors think of latest releases and older films. 

And if you still aren’t sure after checking the reviews, how about picking a classic movie?

Best Movies Ever Made

Here are 3 of the best movies ever made from a mix of genres that your loved one is sure to enjoyable. 

Nebraska (2013)

A father and his estranged son go on a road trip to claim the winning lottery ticket and try to find common ground along the way. Bruce Dern gives an Oscar-worthy performance as a lifelong alcoholic man out of touch and untouched by any events that occur around him. The son learns about his father’s background and begins to see the man that his father once was and what shaped him into who he is today. 

Lethal Weapon (1987)

This action-packed movie about a suicidal cop who doesn’t care if he lives or dies stars Mel Gibson. Danny Glover and Mel Gibson are 2 cops newly paired together who need to put their differences aside in order to catch a drug smuggling gang.

Citizen Kane (1941

This American mystery drama is hailed by many as the greatest movie of all time. A group of reporters try decipher the meaning of the last word ever spoken by Charles Foster Kane, the millionaire newspaper tycoon. The film begins with a news reel detailing Kane’s life and then shows flashbacks from his life. As the reporters investigate, we see Kane’s rise to fame and eventual fall.

For more selections activities to entertain seniors, explore movies and shows offered on Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or Netflix.


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