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Caring featured on WMBCTV for Role in Senior Fall Prevention

by | Jun 3, 2021

CEO and founder of Caring Senior Service, Jeff Salter, is on a mission to close gaps in senior care to ensure that seniors can remain healthy, happy, and at home for decades to come. This year, Jeff embarked on a 9,000-mile bike ride across the country to raise awareness of the gaps in senior care and to focus on closing one in particular: fall risk.

Falls are the #1 cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in seniors. And most of these falls happen at home in the bathroom. However, many falls could be prevented with simple safety devices, like grab bars. Caring Senior Service is raising money to install grab bars in seniors’ homes to help reduce fall risk among the senior population. This effort was featured in an interview with WMBCTV in New Jersey.

Watch the full interview below or view it on WMBC: