When you have a senior loved one who is in need of regular care, your entire family often comes together to pitch in and help. While this is a great way to prevent any one person from needing to take on the entirety of the burden, it also means that you’re coordinating the diverse schedules of many different individuals in your family. These tips will make it easier to coordinate the family and ensure that your loved one is getting the care they need.
1. Designate Responsibilities
Would you prefer that a specific member of the family be the one to take your senior loved one to doctor’s appointments? Who is responsible for taking care of shopping? Is there a specific grandchild who is great at convincing a grandmother with dementia or Alzheimer’s to take a bath?
By designating a specific individual to take care of those things, you can make it easier for everyone to plan ahead.
2. Write Down a Schedule
Consider installing a calendar in a highly prominent area of your loved one’s house. On that calendar, write down the schedule, when appointments are coming up, who is supposed to be there at what time, and other key information. When changes are made to the schedule, make sure the calendar changes with it!
3. Negotiate Schedule Changes Ahead of Time
When one family member has another task that they need to take care of, it’s important to discuss it and arrange for alternate care ahead of time. It can be helpful to sit down monthly and discuss the upcoming schedule with all of the members of your family.
4. Allow Each Person to Set Their Availability
A sibling whose kids are already out of the house may have more time to spend with your loved one than a sibling who has small children at home. A niece or nephew who is currently in college may be able to easily study while caring for a loved one, but one who needs to work may need to spend more time at home.
Let each person to set when they are able to help offer care in order to prevent resentment and decrease the odds that someone just won’t show up.
5. Hold Monthly Meetings
Family members can agree to meet monthly to discuss senior care for their loved one. At these meetings, take the time to discuss your senior family member’s unique situation and needs. Keep everyone on the same page so that each person is aware of everything that is happening.
6. Keep Everyone in the Loop
Take advantage of group texts, group email, FaceTime, and even Social Media. Keep everyone informed at all times as to what is going on. Send reminders for things like appointments, or when a prescription needs to be refilled. This helps everyone stay on top of their duties, and helps ensure that no one forgets what is expected of them.
At Caring Senior Service, our expert staff is comprised of extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and trusted professionals who take pride in helping your loved one manage their daily activities. Contact your Caring team today to learn more!