Difference Between Dementia & Aphasia

by | May 20, 2024

In 2022, Bruce Willis announced that he had been diagnosed with aphasia. His family later revealed that doctors diagnosed the actor with frontotemporal dementia. These announcements came as a shock but put a spotlight on these neurological conditions.

While both dementia and aphasia can affect language and cognition, they have different underlying causes and present varied symptoms. Understanding the differences between these conditions is crucial for proper diagnosis, treatment, and support.


Dementia is an umbrella term for neurodegenerative disorders. It is characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities, affecting memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Dementia can also impair language as it progresses. 

RELATED CONTENT: Understanding the Stages of Dementia

Dementia Symptoms

Dementia can cause many symptoms, which typically get worse over time. Below are some of the most common symptoms of dementia.

  1. Memory Loss: Individuals with dementia often experience progressive memory loss, particularly in recent events or information. An older adult with dementia might be able to share a memory from 50 years ago but struggle to remember a conversation from 5 minutes ago. 
  2. Impaired Communication: Dementia can affect a senior’s ability to communicate. They may not be able to understand others, express thoughts, or follow conversations. A senior with dementia might have a hard time finding the right word while talking. 
  3. Impaired Judgement: Dementia can lead to impaired reasoning, judgment, and problem-solving skills. Adults with dementia may have difficulty with planning and organizing tasks. 
  4. Behavioral & Personality Changes: Changes in behavior, mood swings, agitation, and personality alterations are common in dementia. These changes often cause significant distress to both the individual and their caregivers.

Types of Dementia

There are many forms of dementia. Some of the most common types of dementia include the following:

  • Alzheimer’s disease: The most common form of dementia. 
  • Vascular dementia: Dementia caused by a stroke. 
  • Lewy body dementia: Characterized by more physical symptoms, like rigid muscles and lack of mobility. More aggressive than other forms of dementia.
  • Frontotemporal dementia: Includes damage specifically to the frontotemporal area of the brain. 

All forms of dementia are caused by damage to cells in different areas of the brain. This damage is irreversible. 

RELATED CONTENT: Easy Guide to the Different Types of Dementia


Aphasia is a disorder that impairs language abilities. It is caused by damage to the parts of the brain responsible for processing language. The areas of the brain that are damaged determine the types of aphasia. 

The most common underlying causes of aphasia include the following: 

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Brain tumors
  • Dementia

Aphasia Symptoms

Aphasia symptoms relate to difficulties with language comprehension, expression, reading, and writing. Aphasia can vary widely in severity and type depending on the extent and location of brain damage. Like dementia, aphasia is a progressive condition. It can ultimately lead to the loss of ability to speak and understand.

  1. Difficulty Finding Words: People with aphasia may struggle to recall or find the appropriate words to express their thoughts. They may pause while talking as they try to find the right word.
  2. Impaired Speech Production: Some forms of aphasia result in difficulties forming coherent sentences. Individuals may speak in grammatically incorrect sentences or have difficulty making proper sounds.
  3. Trouble Understanding Spoken Language: Aphasia can impair the ability to understand spoken language. People with aphasia may find it challenging to understand conversations or instructions.
  4. Reading & Writing Difficulties: Aphasia can affect reading comprehension and written expression. It can lead to difficulties in reading books, newspapers, or writing emails, letters, or notes.

Types of Aphasia

As mentioned, types of aphasia are determined by where brain damage is. Below is an overview of the most common types of aphasia.

  • Broca’s aphasia: Damage to the Broca’s area of the brain, which controls speech production. Individuals may only be able to speak a few words at a time.
  • Wernicke aphasia: Damage to Wernicke’s area of the brain, which is responsible for language comprehension. Individuals may use words incorrectly and struggle to read and understand spoken language. 
  • Global aphasia: The most severe form of aphasia. Damage to multiple areas of the brain responsible for language.

Dementia vs Aphasia

While both dementia and aphasia can impact language and cognition, they are distinct disorders. 

  Dementia Aphasia
WHAT Dementia encompasses a broad spectrum of cognitive conditions related to memory loss, problem solving, and behavior. Aphasia specifically pertains to difficulties with language comprehension, expression, reading, and writing.
WHO Dementia most commonly affects seniors. It is more common in women than men. Aphasia is most commonly found in middle-aged or older adults. It affects men and women equally.
WHY The underlying cause of dementia is still largely unknown. It is tied to genetics, lifestyle factors, and other health conditions.  Aphasia is caused by a stroke, brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, or neurodegenerative diseases.


Recognizing the differences between these conditions is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment interventions. Families should seek to understand aphasia to help provide optimal support and care to their loved ones affected by it.

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