Tips to Improve Lung Health at Any Age

by | Oct 2, 2023

Our lungs work hard to provide our bodies with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Taking care of your lung health is essential for overall well-being. And the good news is that you can make positive changes at any age to improve lung function and reduce the risk of lung-related illnesses.

Let’s explore some valuable tips to help you maintain and enhance your lung health, regardless of your age.


Don’t Smoke & Avoid Secondhand Smoke

The most crucial step you can take to protect your lungs is to avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and numerous respiratory diseases and other lung problems. If you’re a smoker, quitting is the best gift you can give your lungs. It’s never too late to start the journey to a smoke-free life.

To avoid secondhand smoke, do not let anyone smoke in your home or in your car. Ask family members who smoke to go outside instead. When outside the home, stick to non-smoking areas.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity not only keeps your body fit but also promotes healthy lung function. Engaging in activities that increase your heart rate and breathing rate can strengthen your respiratory muscles and improve lung capacity. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This type of regular exercise will help keep your lungs healthy and strong.

RELATED CONTENT: Creating a Safe Exercise Routine for Seniors

Maintain a Healthy Diet

A nutritious diet also plays a significant role in lung health. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your lungs from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of lung diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can also contribute to better lung function. Here are some superfoods to consider including in your diet.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for lung health. Drinking enough water helps keep the mucous membranes in your respiratory system moist, which aids in mucus clearance and minimizes irritation. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and adjust this amount based on your activity level and climate.

RELATED CONTENT: 5 Surprising Ways to Prevent Dehydration in Seniors

Practice Good Posture & Breathing Techniques

Maintaining good posture helps your lungs function optimally. When you slouch, you actually compress your ribs, and you’re not able to fully inflate your lungs. Sit or stand up straight to allow your lungs to expand fully, making it easier to breathe deeply.

Additionally, practicing deep breathing exercises can help improve lung capacity and efficiency. Here are a few examples of breathing techniques from the American Lung Association:

  • Pursed lip breathing: Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth with pursed lips. It should take twice as long to breathe out than to breathe in.
  • Belly breathing: Breathe through your nose and pay close attention to how your belly (or diaphragm) fills up with air. You can put your hands lightly on your stomach to feel the rise and fall.

Avoid Environmental Pollutants

Air quality in your area can lead to health problems. So, reduce your exposure to environmental pollutants like air pollution, allergens, and toxins. If you live in an area with high pollution levels, consider wearing a mask when necessary. You might also want to install air purifiers in your home.

Avoid exposure to indoor pollutants, such as tobacco smoke, mold, and dust, which can exacerbate lung conditions. Make sure to change your air filters regularly to keep air as clean as possible.

Get Vaccinations

Make sure you’re up to date on vaccinations, especially those for influenza and pneumonia. These vaccines can help prevent respiratory infections that can be particularly dangerous for those with compromised lung function, including seniors and individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

RELATED CONTENT: What Are the Most Important Vaccines for Seniors?

Manage Stress

Chronic stress can negatively impact your lung health. High levels of anxiety can also lead to shortness of breath. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Reducing stress can help improve your overall well-being and may have a positive effect on your lung function.

Attend Regular Check-ups & Screenings

Don’t neglect your lung health screenings, especially if you have a family history of lung diseases or other risk factors. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help detect and manage lung conditions in their early stages when they are more treatable.


Your lung health is so important to your overall health. By adopting healthy habits, you can significantly improve your lung function and reduce the risk of lung-related illnesses. Remember, it’s never too late to start taking care of your lungs!

If you or a loved one suffers from COPD or other lung problems, our caregivers are here to help. We can assist with your daily routine at home and monitor for changes in symptoms. Our goal is to empower aging adults to remain independent at home. Reach out to your local Caring team to learn more.

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