Seniors often face difficulty getting around as they age. Whether it’s due to illness, injury, or other factors, aging loved ones may need a little help to increase their mobility. Increasing mobility in seniors encompasses 4 types of exercise: strength, balance, stretching, and endurance. With this handy guide, you’ll be on your way in no time.
Strength Training
Strength exercise builds muscle and increases the metabolism, making it a great way to manage weight and keep blood sugar in check. With stronger muscles, seniors can reduce their risk of falling.
Balance Exercises
Balance exercises help build muscle strength in the legs which leads to increased stability. Older adults will benefit from participation in balance exercises in the effort to avoid problems later. Tai Chi is an excellent form of balance exercise. Increasing balance helps older adults avoid falls which means fewer broken hips and other injuries which, in turn, can mean the ability to live independently longer.
Stretching exercises increase freedom of movement. Stretching exercises do not build strength but they are an important part of any exercise routine to prevent injuries to muscles and joints. These types of exercises also improve circulation and blood flow.
Endurance Exercises
Endurance exercises are a critical part of any exercise routine. Endurance exercises increase heart rate and oxygen intake for the muscles and the brain. Examples of aerobic exercises are swimming, walking, biking, or yard work like raking leaves in the fall.
Aqua aerobic exercise is a wonderful solution for people with mobility issues. Conducted in a therapy pool of warm water, the water’s natural buoyancy often permits more movement than would be possible on land. All four types of exercise incorporate easily into an aqua aerobic exercise regimen. The warm water soothes the joints and muscles and relaxes the mind.
Caring Senior Service has the experience, compassion, and training necessary for comprehensive home care, and we also offer a wide range of home care services that are all designed to make life easier for seniors and their families. To learn more about the services we provide, contact a location near you today!